With pre-packaged dry ingredients and simple instructions to follow, SweetSweetAnns Baking Kits takes all the 'work' out of being in the kitchen and you just get to have fun and enjoy!

Welcome, welcome! Check out the different kits we have! Great for gifts &/or spending quality time with family and friends.

  • The Kit

    Each kit comes with all dry ingredients with simple instructions to follow. You provide perishables.

  • Great For..

    Gifts! Think teacher, friend, employee, mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, son, daughter, bride, host, etc:)

  • Reach Out!

    We are flexible with our kits. Need 10? 1000? No problem. Custom kit? You got it. We will be happy to answer any & all questions.